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About us

Prin acest blog ne dorim sa ajutam cat mai multi pasionati de fotografie sa invete cat mai usor posibil ,,teoria" acestui domeniu. Ne dorim sa transmitem si altor oameni pasiunea noastra, fotografia.

Acest blog isi propune sa adune cat mai multi pasionati de tech si photo intr-un singur loc in care sa poata fi la curent cu cele mai noi informatii, sa poata sa-si impartaseasca ideile si opinile cu ajutorul sectiunii de comentarii si sa-si aleaga subiectele despre care noi (autorii) vom scrie!

Daca esti printre primi care ajung pe acest blog, tinem sa te anuntam ca vom incepe sa scriem in cel mai scurt timp posibil si in sectiunea de IT si tech despre care vorbeam mai sus. De asemenea, la scurt timp de la lansarea blogului vom adauga si primele articole traduse in engleza.

Prin urmare, nu este ,,Despre noi", ci despre voi! Despre ceea ce cautati de la blogul asta! Despre ceea ce v-a adus pe blogul asta! Daca vreti, puteti lua blogul/site-ul asta ca pe un jurnal pe care il scriem in timp ce si noi invatam ce este fotografia. Totusi, oricat ne dorim asta, nu vom putea transpune in articolele noastre ceea ce trebuie sa faci practic ca si fotograf in anumite situatii si ambienturi ca o poza sa ti iasa perfect. Cat despre partea de tech, va puteti uita la ea ca la o sursa sigura de informare.

Nu uitati sa lasati un comentariu (sau mai multe) la articolele noastre! De asemenea, nu uitati sa va abonati daca doriti sa primiti prin email cele mai noi articole postate!😉🙏

                                                                           Gabriel Vrîncianu (Autor, Fondator Photo by Alex)

Through this blog we want to help as many photography enthusiasts as possible to learn as easily as possible the "theory" of this field. We want to pass on our passion, photography, to other people.

This blog aims to bring together as many technology and photography enthusiasts as possible in one place where they can keep up to date with the latest information, share their ideas and opinions with the help of the comments section and choose the topics we (authors) we will make them write about!

If you are among the first to access this blog, we would like to let you know that we will start writing as soon as possible in the IT and technology section we talked about above. Also, shortly after the launch of the blog we will add the first articles translated into English.

Therefore, it's not "About us", it's about you! About what you are looking for from this blog! About what brought you to this blog! If you want, you can take this blog / site as a journal that We write it while we also learn what photography is. However, no matter how much we want it, we will not be able to transpose in our articles what you have to do practically as a photographer in certain situations and environments for a picture to come out perfectly. On the tech side, you can look at it as a reliable source of information.

Don't forget to leave a comment (or more) on our articles! Also, don't forget to subscribe if you want to receive the latest articles posted by email!😉🙏

                                                                    Gabriel Vrîncianu (Author, Founder of Photo by Alex)