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First look of OnePlus 8T: the accidentally revealed of the new flagship


OnePlus may have revealed a first look for the future OnePlus 8T model. This image was found on the OxygenUpdater website, in the latest preview of Android 11 for the OnePlus 8 series.

In the found image you can't see many details of the new flagship. It resembles the existing OnePlus 8. The launch date of 8T is expected to be in November.

We expect OnePlus to provide more information in the next weeks. 

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[EN] Aperture and diaphragm: what they are and how to use them

Hi! If you're new to photography, you're probably trying to learn a theory just because you don't know where to start. In this article I will explain what the aperture and diaphragm are, and in the next 3 articles I will tell you about ISO, shutter speed and exposure triangle (how to harmonize these 3 basic pillars of photography). Let's begin! What is the aperture? The aperture is, technically, the hole through which light passes to the sensor of the device. Basically, the aperture controls how accentuated the bokeh effect (blur) is and/or if it exists. Most of the time you will hear photographers telling you, "Shrink the aperture a little!" Instead of "Shrink the diaphragm a little!" In principle, these two do the same thing. What is the aperture and diaphragm? The diaphragm is the one that controls the amount of light that enters through the lens. It is made up of blades and works on the same principle as the iris (when there is a lot of light, t...

Apertura si diafragma: ce sunt si cum trebuie folosite

Salut! Daca esti incepator in fotografie, probabil incerci sa inveti ceva teorie doar ca nu stii de unde sa incepi. In acest articol iti voi explica ce sunt apertura si diafragma, iar in urmatoarele 3 articole iti voi spune cate ceva despre ISO, shutter speed si triunghiul expunerii (modul in care trebuie sa armonizezi acesti 3 stalpi de baza ai fotografiei). Sa incepem! Ce reprezinta apertura? Apertura este, tehnic, gaura prin care trece lumina spre senzorul aparatului. Practic, apertura controleaza cat de accentuat este efectul de bokeh (blur) si/sau daca acesta exista. De cele mai multe ori vei auzi fotografi care iti vor spune ,,Mai micsoreaza putin apertura !'', in loc de ,,Mai micsoreaza putin diafragma !''. In principiu, acestea doua fac acelasi lucru. Ce este apertura si diafragma? Diafragma este cea care controleaza cantitatea de lumina care intra prin obiectiv. Este alcatuita din lamele si functioneaza dupa acelasi principiu ca si irisul (atunci cand este mult...