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ZTE launches the first phone with a selfie camera built in the screen

As promised some time ago, ZTE has announced that it will launch the world's first smartphone with a selfie camera in screen. Its name is ZTE Axon 20 5G and, although it is a mid-range phone, it promises to bring an innovation in its field.

The Chinese company said that under the display of this phone is a 32 megapixel camera, and to make it possible to use it, was used "a highly transparent material mixed with new organic and inorganic films" and of course, new software.

The phone is equipped with a Snapdragon 765G, which allows it to be only 7.98 mm thick, and in addition, it is capable of 5G connections. It has a 4,220 mAh battery and a 6.92-inch OLED screen. It also has an on-screen fingerprint sensor.

On the back, the Axon 20 5G is equipped with a 64 megapixel primary sensor, an 8 megapixel ultrawide sensor, a 2 mp depth sensor (used to create the bokeh / blur effect) and macro sensors.

The new ZTE model is already available for order in China at a price of 320 USD, and in the rest of the world nothing is known yet.

Personally, I am very curious to see how this new technology will evolve and how popular it will become to have a phone with a selfie camera in the screen. I also wonder if Apple will use this innovation to reduce the size of the notch on new iPhones. In any case, don't forget to leave a comment with your opinion about this phone and suggestions for future articles. You can also follow me on Instagram ( if you like what I post there and don't forget to subscribe to this blog to be up to date with the latest articles we post. To give! You can also join our new group on the Telegram if you want to be up to date with the articles we post, to give us suggestions for new articles or to talk to other members! (link in Contact us page)



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