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Exposure triangle: how important it's in composing a photo and how to use it correctly

Hello! As I told you in the first 3 articles in the Beginner's Guide series, aperture, ISO and shutter speed must be combined so that you get the perfect light for your photo. In short, the exposure triangle is the way to combine the 3 parts of the exposure to display an image with the most appropriate light.

From a technical point of view, there is only one correct exposure (example 1: different settings, same light). But, you can create dozens of different exposure modes and choose one that matches the photo you are taking (example 2: same light, different bokeh).

Example 1:

Example 2:

Remember that if you change one variable in the exposure triangle, for example, the shutter speed, you will have to change one or more variables in the opposite direction.

Ex: If you decrease the shutter speed by 2 values you will have to increase the ISO and/or the aperture by 2 values

Pro tip: When you want to take a picture in low light conditions, instead of lowering the shutter speed, I advise you to raise ISO because it is much better to have a noisy image than a moving one.

If you liked this article and if you want to continue this series, do not hesitate to write a comment with what you think about this article and what you want to post next! Also, take a look at my Instagram account, where I post the pictures I took and many stories :))



Apertura si diafragma: ce sunt si cum trebuie folosite

Salut! Daca esti incepator in fotografie, probabil incerci sa inveti ceva teorie doar ca nu stii de unde sa incepi. In acest articol iti voi explica ce sunt apertura si diafragma, iar in urmatoarele 3 articole iti voi spune cate ceva despre ISO, shutter speed si triunghiul expunerii (modul in care trebuie sa armonizezi acesti 3 stalpi de baza ai fotografiei). Sa incepem! Ce reprezinta apertura? Apertura este, tehnic, gaura prin care trece lumina spre senzorul aparatului. Practic, apertura controleaza cat de accentuat este efectul de bokeh (blur) si/sau daca acesta exista. De cele mai multe ori vei auzi fotografi care iti vor spune ,,Mai micsoreaza putin apertura !'', in loc de ,,Mai micsoreaza putin diafragma !''. In principiu, acestea doua fac acelasi lucru. Ce este apertura si diafragma? Diafragma este cea care controleaza cantitatea de lumina care intra prin obiectiv. Este alcatuita din lamele si functioneaza dupa acelasi principiu ca si irisul (atunci cand este mult...

Shutter speed: ce este, cum il folosesti si la ce te ajuta

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